Monday, February 06, 2006

Sean Combs & I...Our Tragic Connection

I read with amusement yesterday that Sean Combs, like me, detests his profile. He has asked cameramen on "Making The Band 3" to avoid shooting him from the side, concerned it reveals his overbite and nonexistent chin. Riot. This made me feel good. Very good. In my twisted, yet always on-target head, this actually inspires me. Because so much of self-confidence comes from the way you look. And yet, who's hot and who's not is both so wildly subjective and prone to relativity and the whims of idiots (think, randomly, Anna Wintour) who somehow become arbiters of taste. What the fuck am I saying, lol? There's a Big Point here, along with my general amusement at reading the little blurb in the Post. I think it's too late, though, for me to fully flesh out said Big Point. Something to do with believing in yourself and creating your own Aura of Chutspah, coming to grips with what you look like (e.g., my annoying bumpy nose), and realizing that people who've Made It Big and give off this vibe of effortless poise still have immense insecurities...and somehow still, er, Made It Big. Yeah, something like that. Unless you're just flat out ugly with no hope for a single good photo in your life...well, then, good luck with that. But keep your chin up, Always Hideous Fellow Humans! I'm sure you have much inner beauty and are well on your way to curing cancer or something, so good for you!

I had a focus group on "sandwiches" tonight. Paid me $75 for 2 hours of my time. I also came away from it with 5 Oreos, 2 cans of Coke, and 2 Earl Grey tea bags that i'll enjoy tomorrow. It was the first time (and i've done about 8 focus groups, i'd say) I've actually used one of those remote control things often utilized in genius SIMPSONS episodes, where you press certain buttons depending how good or bad you feel about what you're viewing. It was mainly about Subway commercials. Now I loathe Subway. Anyone with taste, literally, knows Blimpie makes a better sub. And it IS a sub. No hoagie bullshit for me. But I gave average answers for everything, with a few above average for the yummy images of meatball subs and hot, rising loaves of bread. I made sure the crowded room knew I liked the meatballs with grated cheese, too. MMMMMMM!! But every time, there's some people with just TOO much to say about things. I mean, opine on a thing or 2, then shut the fuck up, and speed up the process so we can grab our money and run, you know? And it's always the overweight, middle-aged woman with a thick Nu Yawk accent who runs at the mouth. Rambling about how she fucking liked that they put up the calories on the commercial, as if I give a shit. Shut your mouth, you dumb whore. Go run around the block. Not once in my 32 years and 11 months of drawing breath have I hesitated to shove an artery-clogging piece of food in my mouth due to high calories. *DISCLAIMER...Gary also enjoys salads, fruits, and fish.

On my way to the dreaded Port Authority, I discovered one can urinate with relative ease, free from scrutiny, on 30th St. just off Broadway. Make a note of it!

The night also included a hellish and endless quest to add time to my expiring at midnight welfare Tracfone. One couldn't script what I went through, but as always, I pulled it off in the nick of time. Awful, just awful. SOOOOOOO glad this night is over. Far too much running around on foot in 30mph gusts.

This afternoon, I spent more than 3 hours continuing my cleaning frenzy. This time, it was finishing all the kitchen cabinets. Good Lord, do they look good now, though! Not much is left to do in that department. The next 3 days I can FINALLY devote to MOI. Thank Christ. Ok, I guess i'm done with today's blog. Time to enjoy "The Jeffersons." Appropriate, as I've felt like Florence lately.


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