Monday, January 30, 2006

Heather & Thai

This is my FIRST.BLOG.FUCKING.EVER. I fear it could become addictive...or The Key (at long, long last) to the fame and fortune I fucking deserve. Dammit. I have issues with these things, as much as i'm a fan of both writing and self-analysis. Frankly, a lot of blogs are pointless wastes of time...glorified idiotic diary entries, this time for all the world to see. Everyone online now thinks they're fucking Fitzgerald just because they have 10 fingers to type with, in the same way that all these reality show morons think they're justifiably famous because they've fucked The Bachelor and inexplicably went on national TV to proclaim said fact. Jesus fucking Christ. Will I become a willing participant in one of the 18,429 things that piss me off? Looks like I already have. Thing is, though, I DO think i'm potentially Fitzgerald. Or at least Frey. I guess the REAL "thing" is that I'M not delusional. It's 1:17am and this whole thing is a random creation, so that kinda explains the Zen.Anger.Perspective bit. Yes, they're 3 words that I relate to daily, but try not to read TOO much into's basically me being cute at 1something in the morning off the top of my head. So, um, yeah...I went to Chinatown tonight with Heather From College. Let's see how long my militant "I won't list anyone's whole name to protect them from the evil stalkers/voyeurs of the internet" stance lasts. Anyway, Heather's in town for a trade show at the Javits Center. She lives on the Outer Banks. I rarely see her, so it's always a joy, and ALWAYS memorable. I mean, I spent 3 hours with her tonight, but there was sooooooooo much Meaning packed into those 3 fucking hours, it's not funny. What IS funny...on paper, we couldn't be more different. She's, well, a she. I'm a he. She's married with a child on the NC coast. I'm happily single in Soprano Land NJ. Here's where it gets fun...she grew up Mennonite in semi-rural VA, pressed against the Appalachians. I grew up Catholic, pressed against...hmm, many things pressed against me, but let's say Newark. And tonight, Heather told me that she's totally shifting gears in her life...and is applying to Duke Divinity School to become an ordained minister!?!?!?!?! So there I sat, Trucker Profane & Anti-Religion Gary, across from my friend Heather, Future Preacher. I think I uttered the word FUCK just for fun when she first told me. But that's the thing...she says FUCK, too. Ok, not as much as me, but she says it. And she had a beer at dinner. And funneled beer on spring break in college. She's not the fucking Mennonite Virgin Mary. She's COOL. And perhaps even more shocking...I'M very inspired by her ever-growing concern for others. She's truly one of the rare people who consistently alters the way I view life, who makes me appreciate the differences between me and The Others, and perhaps most of all, hammers home the point that one can radically change one's life whenEVER the fuck one feels like it. Ya JUST gotta do it. YEAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Did I mention we also had Thai? After I spent all weekend researching a 5-year-old Time Out New York guide to restaurants, looking for something "funky, different, ethnic," we wound up at Pongsri Thai Restaurant on Bayard Street. Holy Christ, run there NOW!! Until a couple years ago, all I ever had was chicken or Italian. Even steak was exotic. So, for me, Thai is OUT THERE still. I'm very impressed with myself (insert LOL here). Next stop, Ethiopian! But seriously, this place was fucking fantastic. I had seaweed soup and something curry...with, er, chicken. New things in '06!!! Ok, i'm done with this inaugural blog. It's clearly just a cheaper version of therapy. I feel a Very Special Thank You needs to be given to Mark F., whose relentless pitch for The Blog REALLY got my mind moving toward starting one. More rambling thoughts to come...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Appalachian Gary, My daughter NEVER uses the "f" word and she never BONGED anything in college. I'm sure because she told me so. I hope all is well with you. I enjoyed the blog. What does "blog" mean? Heather's Mom at (That's just for the "blog" answer. I do not wish to start communicating with you. Not that it wouldn't be fun...........but I'm busy with grandkids and stuff.)

6:43 AM PST  

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