Saturday, February 04, 2006

Jenny L Hewitt is drivin' my old K Car!

JUST when I wondered what the fuck i'd write about tonight, divine intervention...I randomly find I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER on HBO and note with delight that JLH is tooling around Southport, NC in my old Plymouth Reliant. Same color (blue), too. Oh, the memories! God, it's so hard to concentrate on my blog, what with JLH's breasts' pivotal role, Ryan Phillippe's McQueen-esque heroics, and Sarah Michelle's steely confidence. I was even on the beaches of NC that summer of '97. I didn't hit anyone with my car, though. THAT occured in '92. Anyway, OK, movie's over. It's 2:43am. What to do now? Today's highlight was randomly mopping the kitchen floor...I don't think the floor's ever been so clean. A trip to Pathmark at 1am also was productive. It feels like fucking April outside. I want it to be zero for a week, along with a couple blizzards. Then it can be spring. I'm gonna read now.


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