Thursday, February 09, 2006

It's official...I hate cooking

I decided tonight that if I could afford to eat out nightly, I would. Wait, I'd order in, too, as going out nightly would be too exhausting and surely infuriate me in some way -- dealing with traffic and other humans and all. Hmm, though even answering the door COULD be taxing. I guess the solution is a personal chef? But I mean, all I cooked was my usual...pasta. Specifically, vermicelli...with sauce, dribbled with olive oil, and sprinkled with cheese. Oh, and a single frozen meatball for "the meat portion." Whew, i'll tell ya...straining the pasta, then quickly rinsing the colander, then rushing to heat the sauce, as I raced to heat the meatball, then soaking the pot...all in under 15 minutes, mind you. But Jesus fucking Christ, I was weary. It tasted fantastic as I half-assedly stared at the 39th installment of SURVIVOR. But honestly, it was too much, lol. And then I had to WASH all of 2 dishes?!?! How in the name of God do some people deal with honest to God whole meats and 2 or 3 side dishes? Like my mother. Oy. Breakfast I can tolerate, as I usually just have cereal and toast. Lunch also involves a single small plate. But dinner...a nightmare. Frozen dinners were invented for ME. What the fuck is so relaxing about cooking?! I try and try and try to get into it, but I think it's another area where my overall impatience doesn't serve me well. I'm so bad that merely adding bacon bits (which any salad SHOULD have) and dressing to an already premade salad-in-a-bag is kind of wearying. But I'll keep cookin my pasta...

Don't feel like writing much, so here's some random, brief thoughts...

I added to my week-long Cleanfest by taking 45 minutes out of my afternoon to thoroughly scrub down our (naturally) white fridge.

Had the ODDEST dream last night involving....try to follow...2 grammar school friends who ended up hooking up in the nonexistent living room, upstairs portion of my fave college bar, which served as the setting for my upcoming 15-year high school reunion. I was alarmed, jealous, and ecstatic all at once.

Hey, as i write this, it's fucking snowing out!!?! Gotta love those non-predicted, sudden snow squalls. But a BIG ASS NOR'EASTER is a'comin' Saturday! FINALLY!! I YEARN for a crippling blizzard! I DON'T yearn to be stuck inside with i'm praying he goes to Philly for work before the storm hits.

I FINALLY began wrestling with my piles of bills, receipts, papers, mailings, God knows what else that has lurked on my floor since, oh, Thanksgiving. Included in my "to read" pile, humorously, was an article from PARADE from fucking July on How To Start A Blog. HA! Daunting, this piles are. And they're not even the PERMANENT piles, lol, which reside on the other side of my bedroom. But ALL of them will soon be gone. GONE!! I also put aside a pic of LA and an article on the fastest way to obtain a passport. I will hang both up tomorrow in a prominent place to inspire me. YAY!

Catchy song of the moment...MOVE ALONG by the All-American Rejects. The video, too, mesmerizes. Oh, and to become part of the hoi polloi bandwagon...James Blunt's YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL is just that. It, too, has an arresting video...about suicide? Seems it...though the song ain't about such a dark topic. I like the juxtaposition, though. The video reminds me of Sinead's NOTHING COMPARES 2 U in its peaceful simplicity. Speaking of arresting, I believe the 2 HOUR series (?) finale of ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT is on tomorrow. I must make a note of this. I now know what i'm doing tomorrow evening. OK, time for THE JEFFERSONS and some light reading...2:30am...


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