Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Touch-Up Painting, Death & Muslims

Another day of major house cleaning...another day where I didn't expect to be doing such a thing. But somehow it turned into, oh, roughly 6 hours (with breaks) of touching up the various white walls and cabinets in my apt. Not a terribly taxing job. In fact, rather wax-on, wax-off soothing. Yet after I was done, I was worn out. Still am. And it's "only" 1am. Think it has more to do with the fact I didn't sleep terribly well last night. But who cares. Point is, it was another day of something very productive taking place. Sure, MY PILES and tending to ME got put off another day. But to my memory, it's only the 2nd time in 8 years I've played touch-up painting. It was much needed and looks fucking great. I'm happy. I'm also very hungry...and have been all night, despite constant snacking. Thank Christ for my metabolism.

I forgot to note that on Thursday, Oprah had on Susan Saint James, Dick Ebersol, and their 2 sons...discussing the death of the youngest brother in a plane crash in Nov. '04. I've been waiting, rather perversely, for Susan's interview on this since it happened. I've always liked her, and in the daily onslaught of misery that the news brings you, her tragedy stood out to me. On the one hand, I felt like "WHY are they talking to Oprah about this?!" It's always such a fine line, but on the other hand, I felt that they probably wanted to 1) honor their son & brother by talking about him and 2) maybe inspire others in similarly horrific circumstances to NOT let THEIR life come to an end because someone they loved died. It was hard to watch sometimes, but worthwhile TV. This from the guy who's read the obituaries since I was a teen. I'm strange, my mother will always say upon spying me scanning who's died. "You're like the old ladies." Whatever. I find it more of a wake-up call than depressing. OOOOOOO, now that I think of it, this dovetails nicely with Coretta Scott King's funeral marathon today. Jesus Christ, it was like 5 hours long. JUST BURY HER! It's a flippant comment like that that I just spent a couple minutes debating whether or not to write on a BLOG, but I detest the idea of censoring myself, and that IS the first thought that popped into my head when I heard on the news how long the service had taken. But in all seriousness, all I've thought is how wonderful to have affected so many millions of people. THAT'S what I want out of life. To affect change. To influence. To make a difference. I canNOT fathom my entire life being reduced to some 5"x3" write-up in one state paper and a couple locals. Of course, I DO have VOLUMES of Shocking and Revealing diaries for my survivors to sort through. Hmm, this is comforting. And I MUST take my Death Photo ASAP. Donna and I can go together. Eh, my best pics are probably behind me, lol. Oh, and videotaped messages. And maybe a post-death Automatic Reply Email. "Hey, I'm out of the Life right now. I WON'T be back anytime soon. Please forward your question/complaint/commentary to my next-of-kin. Have a great day!" So good for Coretta. She lived a LIFE. Rest in peace. Has this paragraph been too macabre? ***Oh, and I SO need to go off on all the Muslims burning buildings and rioting because their FUCKING precious Prophet Muhammad was portrayed negatively in cartoons. AWWWWWWW. Poor babies. Do you see me firebombing Jann Wenner's office because Rolling Stone portrays Kanye West as Jesus this month?!?! Oh, my fucking God, these people are insane. ALL religious freaks are insane. Period. WARS and MURDERS...in the name of GOD?!?!?!?!? Um, newsflash, dipshits...no one ALIVE has ever MET Mr. God...thus, there's not a soul on earth who can speak for Him. SOUNDS so simple, doesn't it?! Guess what...it is. There goes any political career, along with my Nice & Non-Inflammatory Little Blog. Good.


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