Friday, February 10, 2006

Wait, people I don't KNOW are reading this fucking blog?!?!

Hello, kind readers. Let me start today's entry, at 2am EST, by noting that, about 50 minutes ago, I received THE most stunning, "Christ, life is NUTTY!" info...basically, that people "out there" are reading -- and liking -- my little blog test. Actually, more to the point...well, the "point" involves a little story. There's this ravenous Hungarian goddess that I know. She logged online shortly after 1am and proceeded to tell me that she forwarded my blog to a mutual friend of ours. We'll call him D. What UP, D?!?! Well, she later asked D if he'd read it. Yes, D replied...he'd BEEN reading it. HUH?!?!...the Hungarian Goddess asked. HUH?!?!...I also asked. Apparently, HG didn't specify that it was MY blog, because D was reportedly stunned at my identity. HE'D gotten my blog site via a link on someone ELSE'S site. Both D and Mystery Linker are said to really enjoy my ramblings. God bless you. WELL...I'm just stunned beyond belief at this. I mean, I guess i'm still naive to the rampant scope of The Evil smart and savvy as I am, and as much as Gettin Myself Out There was a key point of all this to begin with. I've given this link to roughly 7 people. I didn't think it was POSSIBLE that others would be reading it so soon. I guess randomly supplies my blog to some people? I have no fucking clue. I just know I am FLOORED that someone I know has been reading my blog for DAYS via some random other person's link. I'm ALREADY dazzled by this whole blogging thing...a whopping 11 days into it. Whoever you all are, I appreciate your taking your precious Prophet Muhammad-given time to read me. Thank you from the bottom of my compassionate heart. Keep reading me! Spread my Gospel! Fall under my spell and don't look back!!!!!!!!!!!! TESTIFY, MOTHERFUCKERS!!!!!


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