Thursday, February 16, 2006

SCREW the Red Cross!! I'm in a GOOD mood, though...REALLY!

What an odd little day. I really can't express how TRULY focused on "shaking it up" I am. I'm in SUCH a "chill" mood that i'm currently listening to Stevie Nicks' superlative "Trouble In Shangri-La" from that magical Summer of 2001...before everything went haywire. "I am something of a dreamer," she's repeating. I've been thinking a lot about 2001 lately, for various reasons, but i'm digressing again. Onward with my Thoughts of the Day!! For some reason that defies any kind of explanation...I went for a run at midnight...around the bigass block. And it IS a big block. Honest. But I never run. EVER. I loathe running. Don't understand the national obsession with it. Nor golf, but that's another blog. Seems to me most people jogging look like they're about to collapse of a heart attack. They're barely struggling along, dripping with sweat, face etched in agony. And for what, really? Just walk, bike, rollerblade, pogo...ANYthing but run. I love when I'm fucking walking faster than some of these chicks jogging in Hoboken. But, tonight, I ran. And I enjoyed it. It's a beautiful night for mid-February...low 50s. Gorgeous. Arctic air on the way again. I was savoring the night air. Sat on the porch for a few afterwards. What the fuck came over me? Not sure, besides my escalating need to do things differently. Challenge myself. Mix it up. So it's at this juncture that I note that for some reason, this motherfucking blog site won't allow me to hit enter and start a new paragraph. I just wasted about 15 minutes trying to figure it out to no avail. TWO nights in a row of computer issues in the wee hours to test my patience. These are the times I'd like an arsenal of glasses at the ready to hurl against the fucking wall. Over and over and bloody over, I'd scream profanities while firing large glasses against the wall. That would make me feel better. So, I apologize for the longest paragraph EVER, and since my blood pressure is rising, it seems time to rant against THE RED CROSS. The Red Cross fucking sucks moosecock. If I live to be 115, unless sweeping change is enacted, they won't get a penny from me. I've been leery of them since the aftermath of Sept 11, when it was shown that they woefully mismanaged TONS of money. Now, tonight, on the CBS Evening News, a story on the escalating scrutiny put on The Red Cross in the aftermath of Katrina. It seems money issues loom large again. Where HAS all the money gone? Seems, also, that volunteers were sent to affluent areas instead of the hardest hit ones...and these volunteers had so little to do that they engaged in volleyball games. Boxes and boxes of food went rotten because it wasn't doled out fast enough and to the people who needed it most. Last, but not least, underlings were told by their managers to steer STORM VICTIMS WHOSE LIVES WERE TORN APART to 800 numbers that they KNEW would either be busy or "manned" by a recorded voice that got the victims nowhere. One woman told of spending FIVE HOURS on the phone one night, only to be disconnected. Workers or volunteers who raised questions were made to feel that THEY were the troublemakers. This is simply appalling. I've given nothing to Katrina victims yet...because I trust NO ONE. I want to know that my money, whether it's $5 (about all I can afford to give or a million, is going DIRECTLY to people in need. Hell, I want to personally HAND them the money...or the food...or the clothes...or the soap...WHATEVER these poor people need. I'm NOT giving money so that the Red Cross' Charlotte office can get a fresh coat of paint. Jesus, Mary & Joseph! And make no mistake about it, THOUSANDS of people along the Gulf Coast are still desperately in need of so much. The front page, daily accounts of their misery have vanished, though. Like they always do. Onto the next tragedy. The Red Cross needs to be held accountable. Legit organization, my ass. Everyone hears Red Cross and goes "OOOOOOOO, they're up there with GOD! Where's my checkbook?!" Be leery, people. Where's the healthy skepticism?!!? Too many are too trusting about too many things. End of rant, I guess. I'm still angry about this "enter" button shit... Hmm, what else...well, I worked today...basically, I typed for a charming young man whose finger was broken. I was his bitch for the day. Easy work. And free McDonald's lunch! Oh, and even beer and a dog in the office! The work itself wasn't for me, but the environment certainly was. OH...after my jog, I leapt up for the lowest tree branch and ripped at it to confirm my suspicions from a few days' worth of daylight observation...there are BUDS already on the trees!! Incredible! Yes, thoughts of spring ARE building inside of me. Do I have anything else to add as it nears 3am? Saw MTV VJ Damien Fahey today on 44th St...yapping on his cell, looking like hell. And all I thought was, "HE'S met Madonna?" Heavy sigh. Superbowl Sunday I saw Joe Franklin!! LOFL! He was shuffling along 8th Avenue by 34th St...IN the street, trying to hail a cab it seemed, while holding a Bloomie's bag or something. Strange little man. He's gotta be in his 80s, no? Ok, i'm clearly running out of topics. A VERY good day, this was. Good night.


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