Sunday, February 12, 2006

My ASS on the radiator

And I DO mean BARE ass. My white, bony, flat, yet wonderfully toned, ass. Tonight -- in the aftermath of one of the worst blizzards on record in the NYC area -- it seems particularly appropriate to both enjoy, and blog about, one of the things I most treasure about this apartment...the living room radiator. It sits just over 4 feet long; I know this because I just measured it for the sole purpose of this blog entry. It's painted white and sits beneath the middle bay window. My "ocean" view is rather spectacular, and something I try not to take for granted...Manhattan and Jersey City skyscrapers, tiny sections of the Williamsburg and Manhattan Bridges, a sweeping view of the street to note when visitors and the roomie are coming to impose on me. And so, on frosty winter nights, with the shimmering water, twinkling city lights, and, ideally, ample snowcover all to stare out at in wonder, I like to casually glide over to that radiator, in the quietest wee hours, once the roomie is dozing, and slide off my shorts...AND underwear...and FEEL it...FEEL the awesome heat capturing every nook of my Caucasian buttocks! YES!! I lean back against the window and pivot my body to the right to take in the view. A steaming hot beverage...tea, cocoa, perhaps even hot cider?! the PERFECT addition to this wintertime favorite. **Read that last line over while imagining my alarmingly accurate Martha Stewart impression. Tonight, the room is candlelit...another big plus. One must always be careful that no one in the neighboring houses sees my living room nudity. Or for that matter, anyone on the street. But i'm discreet. It's beyond a cheap spa treatment. Ahhhhh. Try it at home!


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