Friday, February 17, 2006

Madonna's SORRY & Oprah's opening my eyes...again

Madonna's SORRY video finally aired today, though I missed the beginning. On MTV Hits, mind you...certainly not MTV or even VH1 at this point, neither of which actually seem to show videos anymore -- though this is a stale criticism. I chart my life in many ways, and Madonna albums/singles/videos somehow have freakishly aligned with pivotal points in my life. Honest. Like hearing "You'll See" for the first time minutes before my First Job Interview Ever (with HBO!...though look where that's gotten me) while sitting in Bryant Park. So her new video is another winner. The woman hasn't been relevant for 22 years for nothing. It's very "busy." Lots of quick cuts and frenetic dancing. Then there's the roller skates and overall disco vibe. It's FUN. It's dizzyingly watchable...what a video should be. Not that all videos need to be dizzying. James Blunt's "You're Beautiful" comes to mind again...perfect in its own way. But to prove I'm not kneejerk Pro Madge, something is starting to ring a tad false about her being in a leotard while dancing crazily at a club at age 47. Part of me hates saying that, because why should it matter how old she is? She looks great...though the leotard's getting a tad scary. And I thought the HUNG UP video premise worked fine. You know, where she's alone, doing her stretching, thrusting her finely-manicured vagina toward the camera. That worked for me. Hmm, i'm not sure i'll agree with anything i'm writing after several viewings. I think i'm just maybe getting tired of the leotard and exhausting disco imagery. And I think i'm just getting critical of everyone and everything. But catch the video, please, and prepare to be dazzled. Now I REALLY wanna sample rollerskating night at the Roxy... (This begins a NEW PARAGRAPH, as I'm again having issues with FUCKING BLOGSPOT.COM's layout...) **When Oprah's Movement, I mean, show began today, I was in a rather foul, cranky, tired, vaguely depressed mood. And I didn't think the topic -- people in extreme financial misery -- was going to remotely cheer me up. But damn if I didn't, yet again, come away from an Oprah viewing feeling inspired. First and foremost by the fact that the 3 families profiled were waaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy worse off than me. YAY! But beyond that selfish joy, the following ideas...the need to take control of one's life, not being a prisoner to debt, how it IS very possible to turn things around, all that shit, lol. FACE the brutal realities of your debt.I could be way more eloquent if I wasn't so inexplicably tired, and actually, the ideas presented weren't revelations that I needed to hear. It all falls in line with my Monstrous Life Overhaul Goals of '06. But at 4pm, in the mood I was in, it was divine intervention when I needed it. And I found it exceedingly amusing/vastly reassuring that I, jobless and in a rented apt, had a better idea of how to keep track of every cent than a woman with 5 cars who was living in a mansion. Christ, the endless things I could blog about! Newsflash, DON'T just buy what you want. You shop around, you clip coupons, you wait for sales, you pay with cash, you...DON'T BUY THAT ITEM AT ALL. Then there's the eating out...DAILY?!?!? And the CELL PHONE BILL INSANITY. Honestly, though, the cell phone deserves a weeklong series of blogs. I can't get into it now. So, thank you, Oprah! You were the first to tell young Gary that he had obsessive compulsive disorder back in '88 or '89. I learned I wasn't alone in my burning need to touch and check things repeatedly. It's all about control and death, of course. It all is. A little superstition thrown in. God, i'm all over the place here. **May I add i've never been medicated or seen a shrink...MORE $$ wasted. I conquered my OCD on my OWN, baby!! Which means I still kinda have it, lol...but not NEARLY as bad as back in the day. God, it's really all so simple when you sit and think about it...MAKE A DECISION TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE. I think I need to be a motivational speaker. Thank you, Oprah! Sure, you think you're God and always right...BUT SO DO I!! It's bound to annoy people sometimes, if not daily. Overall, Oprah, I think you're swell. Golly.


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