Sunday, February 26, 2006

R.I.P. Mr. Furley...move along, move along...

HAHA, OMG, RIOT...there's a reason, of course, I said "move along, move along" in the title...not only does it kinda sum up both my day and overall mindset, but that SONG has been constantly on MTV Hits today...and LITERALLY 2 seconds after I typed that title, I looked up...and it's on yet again! "And even when your hope is gone, move along, move along, just to make it through." God, I'm gonna be singing it in my sleep. Motherfucking catchy All-American Rejects! Well, this peppy first paragraph doesn't remotely reflect the day I've had. I never left the house on this 50 degree Saturday. I planned to, as I always do, but when I'm swept by Productivity Momentum, it's hard for me to stop. Kinda like a writer who gets inspired and writes his Great Novel in 3 days. My productivity was far more boring than that. Frankly, i'm sick of talking and writing about my "piles of shit." It's impossible for me to explain unless you're in my house for me to show them to you. Again, though, mainly newspapers. But it has been an ungodly productive 12 hours in terms of moving closer to an ungodly pared-down existence. One good example...I got rid of a notebook -- from junior year of high school!! Now, I DID rip out some pages as mementos, but you get my drift. That's a humorous extreme, though. Most of my "stuff" is a tad more relevant. I went through all my Sept. 11 newspapers/articles, keeping most of the stuff, but still whittling it down just a bit. And a bunch of magazines...gone! So i've been READING for hours and my eyes are glazing over. Bizarre reading such detail about 9/11 on a random night in Feb. ' startling and heartbreaking as ever, yet again a reminder that life's short, which is a good reminder. It was actually refreshing to me that my mindset pretty much remains as it was exactly after the attacks, in the sense of "re-prioritizing." Not to get on my high horse, but it also seems to me -- has for some time -- that many others have reverted to pre-9/11 Daily Life Outlooks. Only after more mass carnage will they all See The Light again...for maybe a month. I can say with absolute certainty that that day forever altered my thinking...which surely is a small part of a much broader rant about people not "getting" me and why I do or DON'T do things. But that aggravation passed hours ago. But a big motherfucking manifesto could possibly be coming. Or not. Because, at heart, I have little patience to explain myself to anyone...even when people are 110% offbase. Most don't get me. I get that & accept it. Doesn't mean it doesn't infuriate me...while at the exact same time, I delight in the fact that i'm so perplexing. Tough cross to bear, huh? I wonder when i'll say fuck it and be TRULY the arrogant, sure of myself, Fox News Channel-esque prick that I am for all the Blog viewers to see, without holding back or offering apologies. Hmmm. **Note to self...pen blog in favor of death penalty while railing against all the idiots opposed to it, ASAP. Christ, it's almost 5am. Yes, i'm glad I got things done instead of drinking for free. I didn't have a single encounter with another human being all day & I loved it. Oh, it was amusing, too, to find a pre-9/11 story referencing Osama as a "Saudi businessman." Can you fucking imagine? Ok, I think i'm done with my ramblings for this, morning. OH!! Don Knotts, dead at 81! NOOO!! And I had an odd feeling a celeb would die today...I even checked the Yahoo newspage like an hour before I heard the news. Spooky. Another great one gone. Move along...


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