I've been wanting to put that caption with this photo since I started this blog...wow...4 weeks ago tonight! FOUR weeks, EVERY night, I've written! Kudos to ME! I actually cropped out my face so strangers can't match the face with the crotch. If you MUST know, I was spontaneously dancing to The Killers' "Mr. Brightside" here. And, no, I don't need to be drunk to do so. Oh, wow again...my shoes...I saw today in an old SPIN, Tupac wearing Karl Kani boxers...and that's the brand shoes I have on in this pic. See how "street" I am. Yes, the shoes are old. Yes, I couldn't be more proud across the board. I wanna continue what i've spent the large part of the day doing...going through old college magazines, tossing them out and/or saving pertinent alumni/job info from them. Thus, i'm about done with this blog entry. I wanted to also note how last night, I googled SoCal photos and spent an absurd amount of time daydreaming/plotting about getting/living there. I love the Jersey shore, but man, you add a palm tree or 12 and the setting sun...Jesus Christ, doesn't seem to compare. MAN, I love palm trees!!!!!!
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