Friday, March 03, 2006

Spring Break!!

It WOULD be Spring Break, that is, if I were still in college. Today would be the start of it. I'd be on I-95 or I-81 or I-40 now, wheeling toward FL. We'd start with 25 degrees and a snow-covered ground and end up, less than a day later, in 75 degree bliss under swaying palm trees. Extremely heavy sigh. I could totally still be into it, and I don't think i'd remotely resemble someone out of OLD SCHOOL. I don't look 20, but I don't look...well, remotely like I totally don't belong in a hedonistic setting, either. Maybe I could finally funnel now? I never quite mastered it. I'm still into drinking Beast on the beach. And clubbing. But what's funny, as I REALLY sit here and transplant myself back to those years, is how i'm pretty much the same person in a social way. Back then, I was into straying from the insanity and taking hour walks through town and down the beach and out onto the pier. And i'm still that way. I guess what I mean is that I was always the thinking, pondering, don't-wanna-brag-but-somewhat-more-mature-than-my-peers type. I turn it on, and I turn it off. I'll drink like a nut, dance like a freak, usually know my limit, then stop...and end the night with a wistful, solo walk by the My Crew is passed out on the floor. Others who were drunken idiots are now "respectable" parents in the suburbs, one giant swing of the pendulum. I, meanwhile, remain the same. And don't get me started on those who, at twenty-fucking-one, were "over" getting "too crazy." SOOOOOO fucking mature, weren't they? THEY'RE ready for marriage and settling down and living a quiet life. Oh, my GOD, how fucking pathetic and boring. GET THE STICK OUTTA YOUR ASSES!! Jesus, it's a struggle not to name names. Even writing vague things like this could surely incite friction if the right people read it. But I don't get anyone. I'm always the one over THERE, wondering what the fucking fuss is about. It's the same old thing...just being bored by people who used to be fun. Back in the 1920s, it seems. It's nothing personal. I just don't get it. And it doesn't even have to involve A Baby, or for that matter, even marriage. But I guess that's my lot in life...never doing What Everybody Else Is Doing, at the Chosen Time...and feeling terribly out of the loop...even though I have no desire in the world to have The Spouse, The Baby, and The Suburban House. I simply have a desire to be part of The Conversation. Well, here's to all the kids havin' a ball this week in balmy Florida! Enjoy it while you can.


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