Wednesday, March 08, 2006

THE SOURCE of my swanky evening...

...was the Hungarian Goddess. God bless her. After more transportation annoyances and errors than I can count, we finally made our way to LIBATION on Ludlow Street for the party for this month's issue of THE SOURCE. Never in my life did I imagine I'd utter such a sentence. Fun! Shortly past 8pm, we enter. Shortly past 8:15pm, we're wondering why the fuck we have to pay for drinks when, historically at these affairs, it's "on them." Brooklyn Lager...mmmm. Lord knows, I certainly didn't plan on forking $16 over for 2 drinks. Christ, I barely HAD that much on me. But you know what...I did. And I don't care. What's done is done. It was a different, fun evening. Especially for a Wednesday. I'm very proud of how un-pissed off I was about having to pay. We had our own table, enjoyed each other's witty banter, and got a free drink from "the rep," all the while vastly amused that we were soooooooooo the slim filling of a very jumbo Oreo cookie. I felt fine, though...not remotely uncomfortable. I've long said I'm "street." To boot, I got a car service ride all the way over to 10th Avenue & 40th. Yay! It was a great night out. I looked fucking great. I felt fucking great. GREAT! And now, I enjoy GOLDEN GIRLS. Great! Damn, that issue of THE SOURCE looks great on my living room table...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't help but wonder if my comment's on this blog are going unnoticed. Well, it sounds like you had a spectacular wednesday. And unloading 16 big ones for drinks,...who is this new guy!?? I sense a new man being reborn..... This is the start of something huge. This may be the year you take over the world. This may also be the year I retreat into a subterrainean bunker, and live the rest of my day's vicariously through your blog entries. -anonymous(yes, it's me again)

7:07 PM PST  

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