Monday, March 13, 2006

Bring It On, 33!! God, I love my vantage point from this computer...with BINOCULARS!!

Woke up (um, late, still very late) feeling totally free of melancholy and drama today...THANK CHRIST! It's really like much emphasis put on The Day. I'm fine now. In fact, revitalized. Steely confidence back. But fuck that shit. Let's talk about how I keep binoculars within arm's reach in the living room because of my incredibly expansive view...and because of the endless shit that goes down within said viewpoint. Like right as I jerk my head to the left, I note 3 flashing cop cars a block away...and a man with his hands against his car. Doesn't look like gunfire tonight...not that there ever is...but give it time. I WILL be a key witness, I'm sure. I'm like REAR WINDOW, minus the wheelchair. In January, a tree fell on the house 2 doors down...and I saw a man being interviewed about it on my front porch on LIVE AT FIVE. See, it all happened while I slept, lol. I only woke when they were chainsawing down the tree. It's a great view, though. I'll miss it when i'm gone...whenever that day comes. Hmm, I need to make my first 2006 trip to the roof. Talk about a VIEW!

So today I cleaned/began streamlining yet ANOTHER area of my room/life. Won't bore with specifics, but it's VERY exciting. Didn't even take much time to begin. Most of my time was spent out and about in NYC this evening, seeing Stacie at work briefly, where I was treated to some free Mexican -- food. Mexican FOOD. There wasn't a whore/hustler/laborer in the office. Relished a walk from 37th and 5th down to 14th and 6th. Another mild night for it...50s. Just being out and about was wonderful. I didn't even walk THAT fast...though I WAS enraged at the Hoboken PATH by the sheer magnitude of slow-moving dolts. I mean, honestly, people. I'm not asking you to speedwalk. But getting from the train, up the stairs, through the turnstiles, and up to the street does NOT need to be the pace of OJ finding the real killers. I literally felt like SCREAMING. "What the FUCK is WRONG with all of you?!" A tired topic, my brisk pacing vs. the rest of humanity, I know...but I am ALWAYS just blown away. Every day. Able-bodied, YOUNG people...just moseying along. Ugh. But I DID enjoy my long walk...and lengthy stay in Barnes & Noble again. I was reading a story in Details about 20somethings wanting success NOW, please. No slow build for THEM. Um, I SO relate. Of course, I do. I DID only just turn thirty-three. I'm def more Gen Y in mentality. So once back in Hoboken, I risked my patience with ShopRite...but I did have to shop AND use my gift card. Well, I spent literally like an hour there...and bought 4 things. I DETEST that store. AWFUL parking lot layout. Understaffed. UnderSTOCKED. Infuriatingly blocked separate entrance to liquor store, forcing you to traipse through the entire food store. And ENDLESS agitating chipper young couples, using words like "hon" and "babe," debating calories/brands/what to bring to the party. Do Gary a favor, can everyone shop ALONE? And, of course, leave your cell at home, too. And to think i'm actually trying to be LESS angry. I think it's a losing battle. Let's face reality. The trick remains, I think, to avoid humans at all do EVERYthing at off-peak hours. Otherwise, I WILL become enraged. Like at the Egyptian-looking cuntrag at the SECOND ShopRite -- which overall was a most satisfying experience at 11pm, until I got to checkout, where the aforementioned stupid cunt had, I kid you not, an ENTIRE carriage full of the 10 items or under lane. There were TWO lanes open. Regular and express. Dipshit cashier apparently didn't care. I said nothing. Merely cursed out loud as I raced to the regular line. Can you believe i'm actually in a GOOD mood?

It was 16 years ago today that I got my wisdom teeth ripped out of my mouth. Worst pain EVER. All 4 of them. Fond memories of rocking back and forth on my bed, gauze to bleeding mouth, wracked with pain, sobbing. Yes, sobbing. Pretty sight it was. And I still have the teeth. I'll fondle them before bed. In a small manila packet in my desk drawer. That day was the HOTTEST DAY SO EARLY IN MARCH locally EVER. Check the records. 1990. 85 in Central Park, 86 in Newark. Day after my 17th birthday. Can someone PLEASE pay me for my Rain Man-like memory?!?!

I'm done with this first post-birthday post. Was a good day. Productive. Good spirits again. HELL BENT on 2006 and 33 being positively grand! Move along...


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