Sunday, March 26, 2006

Two months till Memorial Day Weekend!!!!!

The countdown is on! Two months from today is the Friday of Memorial Day weekend and summer fun! Every year, I wonder more and more...WHEN will I stop viewing summer with the same enthusiasm as an 18-year-old? I hope the same way I can't imagine ever viewing a looming blizzard with adult-like "Jesus, I hope it misses us!" anger. Who ARE these adults -- a demographic i'm clearly now a part of -- who lose all that youthful love of things? Give me weekends at the shore, doing shots at the bar. Give me crippling blizzards. Give me pop radio. Give me bike rides and roller blading. Give me catching lightning bugs and then letting them go. Give me THE SIMPSONS and not THE (FUCKING) WEST WING. Far too many of you reading this...MY age, or worse, younger...have turned into your parents. Shame on you!! **This entry is meant to vividly counter any charges that i'm an Angry Old Man.

Continuing my peppy posting, I'd like to note that one of the organizers of my high school reunion emailed me back today with the following...

Damn you man. I can't believe you didn't make it. You totally have to come to dinner next girls night out! So many ladies asking for you! You blew it. It was so surreal. I mean, like 20% of the place was pregnant. It was weird - but lots of fun. You better keep in touch.

Now I don't know that her claim of "MANY ladies asking" for me wasn't just sardonic good cheer. But it COULD be true. Who knows. I aim to find out, though, lol. Anyway, regardless...SHE clearly was happy to hear from me, and her single email made me feel much better about high school after all my railing against it. Nothing's changed...I always said there WERE people i'd like to see. It was a wonderful little email to get. On top of that, I reconnected again today with a girl from GRAMMAR school, who i've seen twice in the past 5 years after some 13 years of no communication. We IMd for a good 90 minutes. An absolute delight. As I said, the past CAN be good to revisit...


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