Friday, March 31, 2006

Operation '06 -- Phase 2: ACTIVATE!

We have reached the end of March. With it, one quarter of 2006 is down the the history books. Thus, time to reflect. For me AND for you, dear reader who wants to improve their life. I'm admittedly startled that 3 months has sailed by already, and yes, I wish I'd scored a $100,000 job by now and fled my apt and by-the-hour-more-irritating roomie. But I haven't. And I really didn't expect to. However, it IS time to go "what the FUCK?!" and crank up the productivity even more. Having said that, I actually AM pretty damn happy with the progress i've made so far this year. It HAS been steady...and ungodly tedious...all my "streamlining" that I won't go into because I don't have the patience. And starting this blog. And continuing to work out pretty regularly. And even socializing. It's been a decently full 3 months. But the NEXT 3 months is where I wanna just go bloody full throttle. July 1: the middle of the year...and a day for me to keep in mind. I mean, if I can pat myself on the back for a minute, how many people actually have New Year's resolutions on their mind as April dawns? I'd wager not many. But I do. And I have that SAME exact sense of fresh ideas and big change that consume so many the first week of the year before their burning desire rapidly fades. It's often tough...I don't "enjoy" tedious paperwork. But i'm glad a lot of it is DONE. Blah, blah, blah...i'm boring myself with this self-help blog entry. I'm fucking tired. I haven't slept well ALL week while on my "sabbatical." But now i'm back at home and itching to resume wild productivity. Sadly, I have to perform an unselfish act tomorrow...helping my brother move. And that's right...he wants to start at 9:30am. NOT happy. And I told him so. Naturally, he had no solid reasoning as to why he couldn't do it at 3pm. But I resisted screaming like a petulant infant in protest, instead merely rolling my eyes several times while making cutting, dryly sardonic remarks. And so March ends...on a sunny, 74 degree day. A hearty toast to the NEXT quarter!


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