Thursday, March 30, 2006

Reagan was shot 25 years ago today!!

It's truly disturbing when more and more events that occurred a quarter century ago are fresh in your mind. I was beyond startled to hear it's been 25 years since Jodie Foster's Main Man pulled the trigger on the Gipper, also striking James Brady and a cop. It snowed that day in the NYC area. Mom told me the big news when she picked me up at school. It was essential young Gary keep up to date on world events. In a related story, I spent most of this day FEELING as if I'D been shot, somehow getting through most of the day on 3 hours of sleep, until I -- GASP -- actually kinda napped from 9 till 11pm. And I always say NAPPERS should be shot. Though I never really slept...but the closed eyes did wonders on this supremely rare day that I napped. And here we are at 1:40am like I had 10 hours sleep. Yeah, yeah, being so tired you kinda feel like vomiting isn't the same as being SHOT...but work with me for the comedic effect, would ya?


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