Sunday, April 02, 2006

A short rant...because I can't inspire the masses EVERY day...but mainly 'cause I don't care to write much

GORGEOUS day today, this first day of Daylight Saving Time. Mid 60s, not a cloud in the sky...and I sat inside till after 7pm. And i'm fine with that. The roomie remained gone, and I MUST take advantage of home time without him there. And I was still unwinding from being so tired yesterday, even though I woke up rather refreshed...and after only 7 hours of sleep or so. I am more and more convinced that simply having SILENCE around me, whether i'm actually asleep or not, is ALMOST just as restorative as sleeping. If the roomie had been around this weekend, i'd have had a headache, been stressed, and ultimately, been more exhausted than I was. But onto that RANT. Well, as dusk came, I went walking around the Hoboken waterfront. Now, as I said, the temp reached like 66 or so today. NOT 96. YET...people are traipsing around in fucking flip-flops, shorts, wife beaters. SO fucking annoying. NO sense of dressing appropriately for the elements. I hope they all catch their death. And by the time I saw them, the sun was down and the temp was close to 60 degrees. I know, I know...something's wrong with me for being bothered by such a thing. Whatever. It's annoying, and more evidence of society's stupidity. Almost as annoying are the opposite types of people, who "braved" the delightful spring day in fucking parkas and leather jackets. Couldn't they find their scarf? I was also generally annoyed by, well, people. Less of them out and about in the winter, lol. NOW they're all out again, as annoying as ever with their yammering cell chats, fancy outside eating, baby strolling, hand holding, walking at a snail's pace. God, I sound so angry. HAHAHA. To think I was in a RELAXED mood today...


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