Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Shifting my feng shui

I moved around my computer table, end table, lamp, and phone in the living room today. This took 3 fucking hours. Figuring how to best place each item, and how to FIT them, vacuuming an area not touched in years, dusting, reconfiguring tons of wires...this "simple" little chore took 3 hours. Ever since the laptop died 5 weeks ago after it was freezing up and I slammed my fist down on the keyboard...well, after THAT, i've been forced to revert to the old warhorse computer...which faced the wall, forcing me to whirl and jerk my body and/or head around to view the TV. Little things like this greatly annoy me...and are unnecessary...so I finally went about changing the set-up of things. BTW, the slammed laptop was the roomie's from work anyway...no harm done by my fist. Though it took -- as always -- longer than I expected, i'm VASTLY happy with the way things turned out. Productivity!! The computer is now facing sideways on a slant so I can gently turn my head to the right to view the TV. Ahhh, these little things in life that SO make me happy. Plus, helping my bro move only further fueled me with urges to move out myself...and in lieu of that, shift furnishings around at home for SOME aspect of "change." So THAT was my big to-do today. LOL, seismic in scope, huh? I also finally put new pics in an album...always a chore, as much as I like having photo albums. It's 1:45am now...just went for a walk...with a spare cigarette i've had. Exercising while smoking...talk about multi-tasking! FRASIER and GOLDEN GIRLS is one hell of a soothing, funny way to spend an hour, by the way. God bless Lifetime, the network for women. It's on mute now, but THE DIVISION enables me to spy Nancy McKeon still sporting her tough chick image, while also catching glances of San Fran to further light a CA fire under my ass. Oh, hi, Marcie...I saw my blog listed in your email as one of your faves to visit...merci beaucoup!! I'm SO honored! Since no one fucking COMMENTS, I'm never sure if my musings and rants are actually being enjoyed/tolerated/spat upon by anyone. But I always said, first and foremost, this thing is for ME. Ok, that's all for now. Peace out, America.


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