Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Dr. Robin, Oprah's latest bitch

I've long said I generally admire Oprah. So it's interesting that, conversely, I greatly detest about 85% of the stupid fuck "experts" she makes famous. The latest is Dr. Robin, another in a long line of psychologists dispensing advice to some insecure wreck on national television. And it IS the Mental Health Geniuses I have the biggest issues with. Though I despised money expert Suze Orman, too...but she mingled money talk with psychobabble. Many reasons I feel this way...clearly the fact that I feel i'm smarter than all of them at the top of the list. Are SO many SO unaware of "the reasons" behind their issues that they need some idiot who doesn't know them to shed some light on it? And, yeah, let's broadcast it for millions to see. Because unless you announce your issues/problems to the world, thus "owning" them, you can't move forward...RIGHT? We live in a world where your every secret is supposed to be splashed across the front page of a newspaper to somehow make it "valid"...and in turn, allowing you to "heal." Ugh. It's my deepest yearning for Dr. Phil to be found in women's lingerie while smoking a crack pipe...well, one of many career-killing scenarios I dream about for him. So, Dr. Robin...give me a break & shut the fuck up, already. Oh, yeah, and you look like a horse...or monkey...I just CAN'T put my finger on exactly which animal yet...


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