The late night sound of a faraway motorcycle...
Am I the only one who has, for years, found this to be the MOST awesome, dreamy, and yes, sad, sound? You know...the windows are open, it's 1am, and out of nowhere, you hear the loud roar of a motorcycle being revved full-throttle...and you listen to it until it fades away into the night. It always makes me want to be ON that bike...speeding down a parts unknown. I always wonder WHO is on that bike and where they're going. And it always reminds me of the shore...don't really know why. I think it could be another childhood holdover memory...that must be it...of being in a bungalow in Ocean Beach, NJ, or better, outside of it in the yard, late at night, with the sky clear above, that ocean air, and sandwiched between North and South Rt. 35. And motorcycles would speed down those roads till all hours, and I'd wonder what it's like to be a thrill-seeking adult. I still wonder. I'd also hear that sound from my aunt's patio in summer, now that I think of it. Sigh. So, yeah, the sound of a far-off motorcycle, especially in the dead of night...most evocative. I smell a fire now...always makes me panic...not MY house on fire?! Seems close, yet I hear no sirens. Good day today...drinking beer and wine and having lots of food and witty banter at a graduation fest. Off to read now. I hope to hear a bike...
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