Saturday, May 06, 2006

Vince Vaughn doesn't own a cell!!!??!

Happy Mexican Army Victory over the French Day!! 3am...and i'll be doing a shot of Jameson's after writing this in honor of the Mexicans, me, and a couple others I'll hold private. So Vince was on Dave tonight, and he said he doesn't own a cell! How great is that? A movie star...SOMEHOW manages without a cell. Sure, his handlers who trail him surely keep him in the loop. But still. I'll just calmly state...again...that until VERY recently, people, we all survived fine without them. God bless ya, Vince. So today was a good day...this first Friday of May 2006. Got my check from the marketing company earlier than expected, which set in motion a chain of positive, productive events. It was sunny and 80, I did more crazy wearying yardwork, had TWO dinners. The day began with me kinda tense and frustrated, but once I got that check and went out and about, I was totally zen. On the Path train, I thought of my train ride to New Mexico and how I'd REALLY love to take a ride like that again & how much I LOVE trains. As much as I love driving, there's something fantastic about just sittin back, off the Interstate, and watching the country go by. Amtrak, your website's about to become a new favorite. Well, it's been a full day. Time to do that late night shot...


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