Tuesday, May 02, 2006

That certain FEEL to the air...

I walked outside tonight and it was HUMID. Cool, in the 50s, but humid for the first time this season. And it SMELLED of spring, too...fragrant. So I most enjoyed my 10pm stroll to Pathmark because of this. Wonderful stroll. I'm trying to get into the fact that it's MAY!!!!!! At the same time, i'm painfully AWARE of the fact that it's MAY...in that kind of "Jesus Christ, this year is flying by and I have a SHITload of plots and goals to see to!" way. It'd be tempting to say today was a big comedown from yesterday...but I actually DID fulfill one giant goal out of dozens on my mind -- thoroughly go through both my local and long distance phone bills, see what I'm paying for, understand it, compare plans, CHANGE plans, set up an ONLINE account to do this all. You get the point. All this excruciating minutae took some three fucking hours, I'll have you know. I'm now on a new local plan that saves me a whopping $4 a month, but every cent counts. And i'd been getting 8 features I absolutely NEVER use. Here is what I use...*69 and caller ID. Period. There is zero point to have anything else if you ask me. Call forwarding? Give me a break. Every day of my life, I still marvel at the genius of caller ID and wonder how we ever lived without it. Pick up the phone WITHOUT knowing who it is?! Are you MAD?! Tomorrow, I will either consolidate both local and long...as it USED to be, back in the day...or simply get a cheaper long distance rate. I mean, i'm the man never ON the phone. Anyway, it's just one more aspect of me assuming complete and utter control of EVERY aspect of my life...slowly but surely. I CRAVE control! Goody, goody!


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