Saturday, April 29, 2006

Just a Country Boy Saturday Morning

So how odd is it that 1) I pick an article i've been saving about country music's history in NJ to finally start reading over breakfast and then 2) randomly stumble upon the 2-hour A&E Biography of Dolly Parton? I think it's beyond life works in those weird little ways. And NOW because of both my reading whim and TV randomness, I'm gonna listen to some country albums today...Tim McGraw, Hank Williams, Loretta Lynn, and yes, the one I have of Dolly. THAT is what's fun about life...having NO clue where the day will take you! By the way, it IS "album" and not "CD." You're listening to an either CD, cassette, or vinyl format. Yet another pet peeve of mine. Then we have the agitating pretentious idiots who "don't buy CDs anymore" because they have their Ipods. I'm now veering into rant mode, but for the life of me, don't get me started on the Ipod. Listen, I GET its appeal and would actually like to own one. And I GET the argument that a lot of albums have one or two good songs and the rest are shit. Gee, here's an idea...only buy albums by established artists who are personal faves and/or inform yourself by reading reviews. But NOW i'm in danger of going off on the people who "don't listen to reviews." Bottom's yet another topic about which i'm in the Gray Zone, whereas most seem to be in either Black or White Land. My point...I see the value of owning both an Ipod AND albums at the same time. I sense my mind spinning, so I'm just gonna jerk myself back to the original Country Theme of this blog entry, say how I REALLY enjoyed the Parton biography on many levels, and end this so I can start playing my country albums. **BTW, I'm relishing sitting here in peace after the hell of yesterday. It's a gorgeous 62-degree day out...but i'll be goin out at 7ish to a party, so for now, i'll sit inside, sipping tea, in Zen mode.


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