Thursday, August 03, 2006

I'm bored to death...yet haven't the will to move

How can that be? I've BEEN bored for hours...yet continue to do barely anything. Sure, I went bike-riding/bench sitting for 2 hours, but that seems like a blip on the radar of my day. Does that make sense? Who cares. I wasn't tired today. I wasn't even that hot. And yet...I feel like i've done nothing. Ugh. MUST be tied to the heat somehow...3 days in a row it's gotten to 100 at Newark. Last night, too...though I was tired a bit then...I didn't even write a blog, I was so anxious to get out of the heat and into my icy bedroom. Anyway. I'm just trying to figure out how I KNEW I was bored...and wasn't tired and hot...yet still continued to sit online and DO nothing else. It's the evil internet, that's what it is. It was invented for me...mountains of information at my fingertips. I still blame it on the heat, though. I'm not ALWAYS so unproductive. In fact, rarely. It is only midnight, though, lol...I could pull something out of my ass yet. Not literally. Well, this could be the most pointless blog yet in terms of interest to anyone but ME. Have I mentioned how stunned I am that it's August?


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