Thursday, May 11, 2006


Hit NYC this evening...HAD to get out of the house. I also thought it would be fun to seek out and plant myself in front of a college friend's apartment -- someone I haven't seen in like a decade, who I randomly discovered in late February lived in NYC, yet haven't been able to connect with since -- and then call him, hoping he'd be home, then announce that "well, i'm right outside!" These spontaneous, unannounced barge-ins don't always work...but it did tonight!! YAY!! Make that FUCKING YAY!! An hour-and-a-half of witty, informative catching-up ensued. My mind is still spinning. He looked EXACTLY the same, which is funny in and of itself...but more so because I discovered he's had MULTIPLE wild hair changes in the interim, yet when he opened the it was still 1995. **One also worries a long-unseen friend will suddenly be obese and/or bald, thrusting your lost youth in your face. Thankfully, that wasn't the case with Greg, either. Man, i'm just so thrilled to have seen and reconnected with him. My intention is to maintain contact, make him part of my new social fabric. OK, this rain is REALLY coming down now...and we've added lightning and thunder to the mix! Greg and I enjoyed a slice of (excellent, I must say) pizza on West 23rd before I began my sprint back to the Port Authority. It was JUST beginning to lightly rain as I did this, so the rain even held off for me...WHAT a blessing! AND I managed to snag my W Magazine with Madonna, in sexually-charged riding gear, complete with whip, on the cover. God fucking bless interesting -- and at 47, as hot -- as ever. I JUST made my bus, sweat dripping down my face, and was home by midnight. OOOOOOOO, a loud bang of thunder! Can someone take a 58-page, body-flaunting, youth-preserving, provocative-prop-using photo spread of ME, please? No, i'm serious. Really.


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7:50 PM PDT  
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7:53 PM PDT  
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8:11 PM PDT  
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3:01 AM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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3:02 AM PDT  

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