Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Blogging from my PLUSH SOFA...

Ah, PROGRESS!! Indeed, the computer desk is in pieces on the curb! Sadly, proper etiquette prevented me from hurling it chunk by chunk out the window. Instead, I had to unscrew and/or rip it apart and make 3 trips down 2 flights with heavy, awkward loads (stifle your dirty minds). Then there was the temporary reconfiguring of the computer and furniture. THEN there was the small fact that the computer monitor wouldn't turn on for a good half hour...then suddenly did after, well, i'm not sure what I finally wound up doing. But I exhaled GREATLY. The mammoth computer now sits...on a kitchen chair; it was the highest and sturdiest thing I could think of short-term. Sure, it ain't a living room outta Ethan Allen, but I must say, this set-up is GRAND. The computer and TV both are in front of me now, I've got the keyboard on my lap, and the mouse is geniusly gliding over a small Verizon Yellow Pages book on the edge of the couch. It's PRETTY fucking ideal! What to use under the mouse was my biggest worry. I mean, I could've just leaned over/hunched forward to place it on the coffee table, but dammit, I demand maximum personal comfort! Now my feet are up, the soft couch cushions are against my back and ass, and my hot cocoa's at my side...while my soft white Xmas lights outline the room, exuding warmth and comfort, and the skyline of NYC glistens like jewels against the night sky. OK, i'm getting out of hand, but the ambience is SOOTHING, I tell you! And to think barely more than 36 hours ago, I "didn't have" at-home computer access! And the LIBRARY...UGH! It's already like a distant memory. Won't you come over to discuss the issues of the day and sip cocoa with Uncle Gary?


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