Friday, August 24, 2007

2:15am...watching the Yanks play...

I'm the biggest night owl on earth, but isn't it just a tad absurd that the Yankees-Tigers game is STILL playing at 2:15am?!?! The game was rain-delayed and didn't even START until 11pm! INSANITY! Serious stupidity if you ask me. It's amazing to see all the fans still in their seats...little kids even. The fact that it's a Friday night in summer surely has a lot to do with this, but still. Midnight should be the deadline, then the game's put on hold or something. Hmm, as I write that, i'm flashing back to MIDNIGHT BINGO at the shore when I was a kid at the local First Aid squad with my family and cousins who lived nearby. Dad and the bro may have (predictably) bailed at some point, but mom and I always hung in for the long haul. Jesus, I haven't thought about that in AGES! That was SO much fun! Going OUT at midnight as a 10-year-old! HA! My God, I'm so damn happy to be remembering that now! When the cousins came "across the bay," they'd often stay till like 4am, all of us sitting outside at the little back table next to the pebble driveway of the little bungalow that sat off the sand street. Blocks from the ocean. You could even hear the waves. And certainly smell the sea. The salt air and humidity. Hell, I can smell it now in my mind. The pitch black sky full of stars. It was perfect. Just perfect. I deeply fear times like those won't happen ever again...people dying, people moving, people getting older and duller, and the YOUNGER people just NOT being nearly as fun and nocturnal as my parents and relatives were back in the day. I really do/did have a kickass fam. Twenty years ago this month was the last time we went to those bungalows. Mini-golf. Midnight bingo. The Seaside boardwalk. The sandy street. The cousins coming across the bay. Dinner at the Italian place. Dairy Queen. Route 35. Damn, that was a tangent I didn't expect. Now i'm sad. Sigh. Incredibly fond memories are like that.'s 3:10am (!!) and the score's tied at 6, top of the ELEVENTH...


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