Monday, October 30, 2006

Here's MY mischief...pumpkin ice cream and hot cocoa

MMMMMMMMMMMM. I finally bought it last Edy's "limited edition" pumpkin ice cream. SO good! Creamy, orange, PUMPKIN!! It was complemented by my first sipping of hot cocoa (with mini marshmallows, naturally) of the season. Both of which I enjoyed again tonight...Mischief Night. I managed to navigate the night sans stabbing or egging. There's always tomorrow...HALLOWEEN. Soon, I will turn off the lights, sit in bed with cocoa, hit play on the VCR, and hear that beautiful music...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Halloween. Here's the scariest Halloween story I've read in a while. Thought you might like.,CST-NWS-HELL31.article


8:15 AM PST  

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