Wednesday, October 11, 2006

I canNOT tolerate Rita Cosby's voice!! PLEASE fire her!!

Does she have a cock? Did she used to? Seriously, except for transvestites one encounters on the streets of NYC and maybe Suzanne Pleshette in her later years, I can't think of another woman who more sounds like a man. And it's not even an attractive, honey-coated female voice. It just sounds like sandpaper, like she's getting over pneumonia, like she's a man. Surely i've bitched about this before...i'm losing track of my rants. Forgive me if I repeat. I'm not trying to be funny...Cosby's voice is PAINFUL to listen to. It induces channel changing. How in the name of fucking Christ she has made it to national TV airwaves is SO beyond me. She needs to take up mime. Take note, MSNBC.


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