Saturday, September 30, 2006

A glorious September ends...don't wake I milk a 2nd FREE month from Bally's gym

Oy, that's a long title, but it sums up today's thoughts. It's 2:19am and i'm tired. Super long day...yet productive, thus fun. My latest "vacation" ends just as the month of September does...perfect symmetry. So I got an email on Wednesday about Bally's Fitness Clubs offering a FREE 30-day trial TODAY ONLY if you just print out the email and take the club tour. Yes, that's right, I did it...and now have full access for a MONTH for not a penny. The funniest thing is that they had my email from the LAST time I went there...less than a year ago. Late last October, I walked in with some "free 30-day" thing I saw in the NY Post. It was surreal being back there...mainly in the "did almost a year fly by already?" sense. I worried about seeing the pushy Latina bitch who signed me up last time...mercifully, she wasn't there. The best part about today was that I didn't even take the tour! I flat out told them I'd been there before, thus endured only a brief "here's today's bargain sign-up deal" hard-sell before being told I was set to go. So let me a year's time, i'll have worked out FOR FREE at a full-service gym for TWO FULL MONTHS. Simply because I 1) read papers, 2) read emails, 3) actually make the effort to take advantage of things. And I was JUST writing about how I need to get into "enviable" shape by working out a lot again. Oh, yes, and I had Chinese tonight...icing on the cake of this wonderful month! Realizing more and more how much this past summer SUCKED. Thank Christ for AUTUMN!!


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