Tuesday, September 26, 2006


I find it increasingly interesting how i'm often most relaxed when i'm getting tons of shit done...when i'm not obsessing every waking moment over things that cause me stress. Ironically, even WRITING this blog can cause me to overly dwell. If I just did NOT feel the need to record things, to write them down, I wouldn't be driven to melancholy or worry. It's a tough balancing act, like so much of life. Because I DO have just endless, endless thoughts...opinions...interests...goals. It can be rather taxing. Many melancholy thoughts entered my mind today...driven by both the course of my day and also by the front page of the newspaper. There's just endless sadness in the world. But it's good in a sick way...it makes me feel like my problems are appalling non-issues...the "perspective" part of my blog title. You know, i'm writing this with AOL Radio on...I shouldn't write with distractions...so this entry isn't as good as it could be if written in the complete silence of my panic room. So this new Ted Danson comedy on ABC premiered tonight...I'd read some reviews and found the stars, plot, and promo promising. And I watched it. And, yes, I was amused. It's not genius. But it held my attention longer than most things. The topic? THERAPY. I could endlessly go off on this topic. In fact, I can't bear to get into it right now...not when i'm breezily bopping my head to Weezer's BEVERLY HILLS as I write this. In short, though, 1) this show is funny, 2) this show reaffirms many of the things I find eye-rolling about therapy. OK, i'll say ONE thing...doesn't anyone think it a TAD curious that most shrinks have shrinks of their OWN?!?! Should tell you something about the total stranger you're forking over your hard-earned money to. And although I have 137 other points to make, i'll end it there. Summing up today's theme...i'm relaxed, been rather productive, could always be MORE productive...and as conscious as ever of a laundry list of potentially stressful issues to deal with. POTENTIALLY stressful. Because it's all about MANAGING stress. Or flat-out deciding, you know what...quit whining...you're alive, you have a roof over your head...BE HAPPY.


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