Thursday, October 26, 2006

Gay marriage: NJ wises up...kinda

My progressive Garden State Supreme Court has officially decided gay couples are entitled to the same legal and financial protections as normal, I mean, heterosexual couples. Well, THANK GOD for small miracles in the generally idiotic world we reside in, although they stopped short of saying "come get your marriage license!"

For the fucking life of me, I will NEVER grasp why anyone thinks they have the right to impose their ASSININE and BACKWARDS moral and religious beliefs on others. Let's be very clear...if two men or two women wanna get married, IT DOES NOT CONCERN YOU. It DOES, however, concern THEM if their very real years-long relationship isn't recognized as legal in Bush's Jackass America. It's times like this I YEARN to become a politician.

Let me remind my faithful readers (and WHO are you, exactly?) that I have BIG issues with the institution of marriage. Also, I've actually been to a gay wedding (or ceremony, or whatever the hell they wanted to call it), and it was VERY bizarre to see a MAN walking up the aisle to meet HIS "husband." Kinda queer, actually...pun intended. To me, marriage will always be "mom and dad" and the idea of spawning others to continue the human race. But that's ME. My point issues are MY problem, and I have better things to do with my life than actively seeking to rob others of happiness and peace of mind. Who gives a flying fuck who gets married to who?!?! Allow everyone to realize the potential miserable hell that is marriage, I say. Or, yes, the rapturous joy of staring at the same person every day for 60 years. MUST...resist...knee-jerk...cynicism.

Sometimes there IS a clear right and clear wrong. I'm tired of hearing about "seeing all points of view." The fact is that there's many, MANY stupid, repressed morons in the world with the WRONG point of view...and too many of them hold public office. When it comes to gay couples being legally recognized, don't bring up God, the Bible, or your motherfucking tax dollars. When you take your last breath on this earth, it's all about love and relationships...and doing what's right.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen, brotha ! - Lance

7:42 AM PDT  

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