Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Kate Hudson: Stupid cunt

I don't know that I've ever been more pleased with the report of a divorce, celebrity or not, than Miss Ungodly Overrated's parting with The Black Crowe. This stupid bitch has grated on my nerves since day one back in 2000 when all our insipid entertainment magazines annointed her The It Girl for absolutely no reason. Let me tell you something...ALMOST FAMOUS is one of the most overrated films of the past 20 years. I nearly fell asleep watching it. And Hudson's character was beyond annoying. Oscar worthy?! Thank GOD she lost. I HATED that movie! She's NOT that good an actress, she's NOT that incredibly hot, she's NOT remotely interesting. She's famous because she's a passably pretty blonde...who happens to be Goldie Hawn's daughter. Period. Regarding her marriage, she got hitched at 21. TWENTY-FUCKING-ONE!?! Here's the thing...on my laundry list of issues regarding marriage (and forgive me if I've gone off on this before -- it's impossible for me to keep track of ALL my thoughts), right up there near the top is this condescending attitude people seem to have that they've somehow reached this higher plane of maturity just because they've said "I DO." They're "over" being young and fun-loving. They've "been there, done that" because they're JUST so fucking mature and world-weary. **There's a side rant here against entire generations before mine who ROUTINELY married super young...my parents, grandparents, and so on...and how it worked for THEM, blah, blah, blah. Right. It worked for them because those generations uniformly didn't question The Way It Was. They did what was expected, and generally held firm to the "till death do you part" bullshit. Oh, but that's a side rant. Back to Kate. So yeah, I just love how she was ready at 21 to be married till death do her part. What a fucking moron. And now she'll do interviews where she'll say how she was too immature to be married so young...which will, again, have everyone saying how MATURE she is to have come to such a wise realization. It's an endless cycle of aggravation for me. Summing up, she's a stupid cunt. HAHA! And no, i'm not a rage-filled, miserable human. I swear. I just hate stupidity...especially when it affects me. And the overall "I'M married and have achieved all that is right and proper for my age group...what are YOU doing, Gary?" bullshit affects ME. God, i'm in SUCH a good mood!


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