Saturday, December 01, 2007

Damn, it's 25 degrees out at 2am

Wasn't I just on a beach? How did this happen?! Always funny how even the warmest autumns can seemingly morph overnight into winter. On cue with December's arrival are overhyped & breathless reports of the first area-wide snowfall tomorrow (a whopping inch or so in the city, but yeah, it'll be fun) and my trip with a friend today to pick out her Xmas tree from that familiar Hoboken lot. Also today...2 free tacos (for a total of 5) that the always sharp Taco Bell employees gave us...making for THREE screw-ups for one simple original order of "3 hard tacos and 2 soft, please." I expect a Mexican fiesta in the toilet about noon tomorrow. My friend and I wrapped up our whirlwind day by sitting pretentiously in a Starbucks front window, scanning The Post while critiquing everyone who walked by, imagining the glamorous plans they were running off to fulfill as we prepped to go home and stare at our respective walls. Example..."she's got bags, so she's staying overnight at her boyfriend's." Oh, it was riveting. And now I sit watching THREE'S COMPANY, eagerly waiting for the atmosphere to saturate so the virga currently overhead can finally reach the ground in the form of SNOW!!! Fucking VIRGA! Aww, it's a super old, Xmas-themed COMPANY ep. Dammit, I wish I lived with people I liked enough to give gifts like Jack, Janet, and Chrissy are doing. It's funny, given all my ranting about roommates, that i've had a lifelong yearning for a life like the COMPANY "kids." Seriously...I mean that. OK, that's all for today, kiddies...Uncle Gary's pooped from his wild Saturday. ONE month left to make 2007 a keeper!!


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