Friday, May 18, 2007

You know what you were taught as a 5-year-old about THE LIBRARY?

Well, it doesn't seem to apply anymore. You know, basically SHUT THE FUCK UP? I've been at the town library a lot lately -- those computer issues I spoke of -- and, well, i'm surprised there's not a coffee bar and light music playing. It is INFURIATING to sit here. I'm going past the 40-minute mark now with 2 young chatty cunts about 3 feet behind me. One's wearing -- oh, one's on her cell now, which is NOT allowed, but I digress -- so one's got her fucking head wrapped up in Muslim wear, and it's taking everything in me not to rip it off and take my lighter to it. Let me add that there's also 1) a midget next to me and 2) a foul-smelling retard a few feet away. In addition to having deformities, they're ALSO being too loud for me, the midget asking endless questions of the front desk help, and the retard, well, just being a retard...occasionally yelping or humming out of nowhere. No, i'm not politically correct. Fuck off. Then there's the daily parade of ill-behaved children, whose parents allow them to scream and cry and roam the floor sans the stern admonishment and harsh "tug" that would've greeted ME at such an age. Oh, aren't ALL children just DARLING?! And it's NOT just the patrons. The employees, particularly one young man who HAS to be "slow" in some capacity, talk at length at the top of their lungs, usually about the most insipid topics. A FEW speak sparingly, and in hushed tones, and THEY get my Personal Seal of Approval...whatever the fuck THAT'S worth. Overall, though, it's -- naturally, as what environment ISN'T? -- a fucking ulcer-inducing nightmare here. My fellow humans yet again proving they never met a setting where they knew how to properly behave.


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