Tuesday, November 07, 2006

A SENATE cliffhanger!!

Here it is, pushing toward 1am, and 3 states hold the power of the Senate in their hands...ONE of them MONTANA (?!?!)...and God only knows how long this could go on. I pray for a Democratic win, but i'll carry on with my life without one. The Democrats HAVE won the HOUSE!! YAY!! I'm clearly not alone when I say my vote was totally focused around two words -- FUCK BUSH! I could add Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rove, Rice, Snow, Hastert, and so on to those 2 words, but FUCK BUSH is delightfully succinct. It's nights like these that I YEARN to live in DC...in Georgetown, of course. With Woodward, Bernstein, and Bradlee as my neighbors. If only Kay Graham were still with us. Sigh.


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