Friday, September 08, 2006

Some poorly-raised FUCK stole my bike!!

I'm too tired and weary to be engulfed in rage. But I found my bike to be GONE when I went to retrieve it about 10:15pm after a 13-hour lockup in downtown Hoboken. I'm sure my rage will show itself more clearly when I NEED the bike. Right now, i'm clinging to the "perspective" part of this blog. And I DO mean clinging. But the thief left my bike considerate. And it wasn't remotely damaged...and was locked up again to the bike rack...both oddities, don't you think? I mean, I always put my bike there because it was in PLAIN SIGHT on a busy sidewalk. HOW could someone have stolen it without being suspicious...without breaking the lock? Ahhh, i'm a curious -- and tenacious -- fellow...I'm already busy putting a profile together of the suspect...and i'm NOT totally giving up on getting it back. I'll pay the police a visit, put some shaming signs up, concoct some kind of internet Most Wanted campaign. And, of course, scour the streets of Hoboken, namely Da Hood, looking for my bike. Motherfuckers made Gary ANGRY!! It had been such a good week, too...again goes to prove my theory that there's always another, far filthier shoe waiting to drop...


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