Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Happy SUMMER '09 from an internet whore!

SUMMER officially arrived at 1:45am Monday, and with it comes my usual List of Things to Accomplish. I checked off one already tonight. I'm admitting here first...exclusively...that I succumbed to the irritating rage that is Twitter. !?!?!? So I now have the self-absorbed trifecta of this blog, Facebook and Twitter...each with its own Shade of Gary. Can you stand it?!

ACTUALLY, if i'm really being honest, I joined on a totally bogus, fake name on April 23rd (yes, I looked it up to confirm) just to check out what all the fuss was about. I've since both cemented my opinion that a lot of it is indeed idiocy, while realizing that there ARE ways in which it can be useful. All in how you use it...like anything, really. Oh, and how spooky/odd/cool is it that I made my "real" account EXACTLY 2 months later? Gary LOVES symmetry!

So today I woke up determined to create an account using my FULL REAL NAME. And I did. I currently have zero followers, nor am I following anyone. HA! Hours later, I'm still debating the crucial First Follow. The thing is, the REAL reason I had in mind for creating this account was simply to "copyright" my name. May sound paranoid or crazy or arrogant or whatever, but I wanted to feel secure that MY name was MINE in Twitville, whether i'm Joe Nobody...or eventually fulfill my goal of being a BOLD PRINT celeb of some caliber. I didn't want anyone else "squatting" my name, which is especially easy to do it Twatville. My name's not remotely common, so I wasn't really concerned about a legitimate same-named fellow deciding to twat, but in that case, too...better safe than sorry. So i'm being proactive and savvy.

And I really DO wanna accomplish things with Twitter. JUST not sure how yet. In fact, I'll very likely do most of my "manipulating" of it under a THIRD screen name. We'll see. SO many deliciously wicked options!


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