Thursday, March 13, 2008

The Spitzer WHORES

Read this closely...they are WHORES. YES, i'm being judgmental. I haven't said too much about Spitzer because I haven't had time and there's just SO much to cover, but one thing that has grated on my last nerve is this feeling i'm getting of SYMPATHY for the WHORES. OK, you know what, this is already getting complicated. I'm not a monster; I have great sadness for anyone whose life is so devoid of self-respect that they think prostitution is "the only way out." And a lot of them, female AND male, came from miserable home obviously that's horrible, too. But, but, the end, there really is NO justifying their "career decision." Work at Walmart, bitch. The idea that many of them have that it IS a CAREER is soooooooooooooooo fucking absurd. "Yeah, I didn't get the job at Merrill Lynch, so I'm gonna go with my 2nd choice...whore."

But even worse is that i've heard MANY people, famous and not, ALSO implying the same thing...suggesting that prostitution is much ado about nothing and we shouldn't condemn these girls. Right. Right, Whoopi Goldberg. Holy Christ, people are nuts. The reality of the situation is that this ISN'T just about sex. It's a dangerous, ugly world of abusive men, drugs, mafia, big money...and dumb women -- and men -- with no self-esteem. If this WERE just about sex...go nuts, I don't give a shit. If the WHORES didn't have johns or madams and worked for themselves. Independent contractors, if you will. But it IS about all those other entire culture of crime and corruption. And I KNOW this goes on in Europe and no one bats an eye. You know what, it doesn't make them right. They're fucking idiots. And this coming from the person who routinely rails against the puritanical, repressed nature of Americans. But -- and I know it's hard for most to grasp the gray areas of life -- there's a difference between prostitution and, well, pretty much everything else sexually.

Maybe the thing in general that i'm annoyed at is the GLORIFICATION of all of this. AS I write this, Larry King is talking to 3 whores and a pimp. !?!?!?!?!? And there's a "live shot" of the outside of the Main Spitzer Whore's apartment. Oh, and one of the whores mentioned transporting "toys" on the train between NYC and DC. And now the latest thing i'm hearing a lot of -- cue massive eyeroll -- is "how to talk to your children about this." Two things...1) you DON'T and 2) maybe the kids wouldn't MAYBE be asking questions if Larry King wasn't discussing sex toys with whores at 9pm. I know when I was 8, I never asked questions about sex...what's with these fucking kids? It's probably the idiot parents discussing it when the kids never even brought it up. This TALKING TO THE CHILDREN about the day's headlines MADNESS. Oh, my fucking God.

Two final points real quick because I need to go swim laps then sit in the hot tub...where, who knows, maybe i'll be propositioned. #1, there is ZERO comparison here to Bill and Monica. Monica was not a WHORE. Get it? Have I made myself clear yet regarding WHORE vs. MERE CONSENSUAL ADULT NON-PAYMENT SEX?? The Bill-Monica thing remains the biggest waste of time in recent American political history. Besides the current Bush presidency. #2, the "thing" with Spitzer is the HYPOCRISY of it all. WHO he was and used to be...and what he got caught doing. There is NO way he could govern after this. NONE. He had to go. Period. OK, i'm done for now. I may re-read this later and be disgusted by the non-crystalization of my thoughts. In short -- PAID WHORES, bad...SEX, good...everyone's still repressed and hypocritical.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How to talk to your kids about this? You got to be kidding. I can't believe this is getting a lot of air time not only in the US, but also in Canada as well (but not so much as down there).

7:14 AM PDT  

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