Sunday, February 03, 2008

Manhattan's serene early morning light

There's few things more wonderful than being in Manhattan in the early morning on a sunny day. If it's a SUNDAY morning, better yet. Like today. It is JUST zen-like. The way the sun falls on the buildings is spectacular. The streets are largely devoid of both cars AND humans. It's a hushed lushness...or maybe a lush hushness? I'm telling you, it's magical and calming. Even when you come across a procession of 15 cop cars with their sirens blaring and lights flashing, and you can't for the life of you imagine why. Even then. It is honestly something everyone should experience at least once...if you're lucky, thousands of times. I mean, you can stand in the middle of wide avenues and just stare ahead for 20 blocks, the city sounds all muffled, the promise of a new day in New York City before you. It all changes by 8am, tops. Like The Bliss never happened. The Madness begins anew and the zen is shot to hell. But if you're smart, you cling to that early morning feeling and all it meant to you.


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