Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Holiday decorations...a timetable to learn if you're an annoying fucking moron

On Sunday night, the 19th of November, I saw someone with a tree strapped to their roof. To be clear, a CHRISTMAS tree. To be clear a 2nd time...this person is an annoying fucking moron. So are the (admittedly few) dolts who have their outside lights aglow already. Sure, it IS possible they could have been testing them when I walked or drove by. But you know what...even testing them now is too early. It was JUST Halloween, people, 3 weeks ago tonight! And we're not even past Thanksgiving yet! Jesus!

The first of December is when ANYthing Christmas should be first chopped, hung, strung, or lit. Period. And that's being charitable. ACTUALLY, December 10 is MY personal Seasonal Start Date; it leaves a full 2 weeks until Xmas Eve. PLENTY of time. My mother has told me MANY times how she would get her tree as a child ON Xmas Eve...as would many others back in those days. This could explain why we have OUR tree up well into January...and always entertain in January, too...but that's another blog. Honestly, though, what's the fucking rush? I DETEST forced sentiments...and that's how I feel having trees and lights shoved down my throat too soon. Let it come NATURALLY, folks. I only have so many weeks for the spirit of Christ to fill me.


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