Friday, August 17, 2007

On a roll...

I didn't leave the house today, i'm ashamed to admit. I came SO close...going to the hall mailbox and all. And I leaned out many windows many times. And this apt's so damn bright and airy, it's like i'm outside. But I was just SUPER DUPER organizationally productive many levels. I'm fucking exhausted. And the day began with me cursing choppers overhead. I imagine living here is like living in LA in the chopper sense. They are CONSTANTLY irritating me by parking themselves over my house. If I hear them, I KNOW something's up and i'll see it on the news. Today, yet another Latino didn't know how to handle matches correctly and a five-alarm fire ensued. OK, so I don't know the ethnic makeup of the firestarter...but let's just say chances are high it's a Latino...and let's also just say I have NEVER heard more FUCKING fire engines than I have living here. So, yes, i'm being flip, but it's not a racial statement, so I again urge you to save your letters for someone who cares.

So anyway, I woke up severely disgruntled and cursing...and yet this gloriously productive day panned out! It ALL began with...STILL...the videotapes. How's this for odd? I realized I hadn't viewed one last videotape that was already labeled...just to make sure it was still a good tape. So I view it, start to put it away...then decide to see what else is on it. It's TOM SNYDER! Oh, but it gets odder. Just another Tom tape would be great...but his guest? ROBERT BLAKE, pre-murdering his wife!! And in this interview, he even says something about not having to dig too far to get into the mind of a killer. (He's played a couple.) FASCINATING shit in retrospect. And the weird thing is...he's a great interview. But it gets even BETTER. The 2nd guest was the author of a book I got in 1995 based solely on the title and how it would rattle people when viewed on my coffee table..."SWEET REVENGE: THE WICKED DELIGHTS OF GETTING EVEN." I later got it autographed by the author, Regina Barreca, at the Astor Place Barnes & Noble. And then she was on Tom, I was reminded today. It was ALL so random how I kept stumbling upon this woman and her book some years back. But wait...there's still more, lol. I again took the tape out and was REALLY about to put it away when I decided to JUST see what was at the end of it. was an ABC reporter's story on PRIMETIME LIVE of hitchhiking from MA to Santa Monica in 1996. I really believe some higher being led me to re-watching this story, labeling it, and saving it for eternity. It was the BEST story...inspirational, sad, funny. Yet again, the vision of a Santa Monica beach was thrust tauntingly in my face. And I ALMOST never knew this tape was there. How fortunate I feel to have viewed it THIS life juncture. Wow, and this was merely the prelude to the Main Course of my day's productivity!


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