Monday, March 16, 2009


This is personally HISTORIC. Seriously. In less than 24 hours this weekend, I received the wonderful surprise of a digital camera for my birthday, then bought my digital TV converter from America's favorite store, Walmart, using my government-funded $40 coupon (total cost to me...$11 and change). In a word...YAY!! I feel like i've advanced a decade in a day!

The converter was more difficult to set up than I'd anticipated; technical, i'm not...and I had the added burden of tying in a VCR to the equation. DVD player? What's that? Anyway, my bedroom TV reception is now better than it has EVER been, PLUS I have more channels, PLUS I have the shows listed on the screen like, you know, a 2009 cable TV would. I can letterbox shows if I want, too. It's rather thrilling.

And the CAMERA! I don't even know where to begin. Literally...I didn't know how to turn the thing on. I was like an 85-year-old. But I quickly learned. And, well, I haven't actually looked at it much since Saturday night; that's tonight's laying-in-bed activity. I have no idea how my dealings with a digital camera will play out, but i'm SURE I'll love it. I just need to adapt to it. I will NOT become one of those MANY people who don't have physical pictures in albums. It was one of those (too rare, for me) moments in life where you instantaneously go "why the FUCK have I waited so long to get/do this?" And the FUNNIEST thing (read: irritating) is that I'd JUST gone to Walmart right before I got the surprise camera to get...another disposable camera. And I'd ripped open the box already, so I GUESS I can't return it? I'll try maybe. SO...look the fuck out! Gary's gone digital! I wonder how long it'll be before I post nude self-pics on the web....


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