Wednesday, July 18, 2007

ENOUGH already with the Beckhams!

I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sick of hearing about these two. He may be a great soccer player, but it's not enough to warrant this sickening amount of press. And HER? Well, ten years later, i'm STILL struggling to understand the appeal of the Spice Girls -- even though I liked a COUPLE of their songs and admit to having their second album, SPICE WORLD. Yes, not even their "BEST" album, but the even cheesier follow-up. I don't know why, either. Really, I don't. I hate's awful...but i'm the type who usually keeps albums I don't listen to simply as a representative memento of a certain era in my life. However, I was/am so disgusted by this album that I've tried selling it for cash. TRIED. Even the used CD stores wouldn't take it. Perhaps I just need to try harder...venture into the city with it, not just random northern Jersey stores. You don't think i'm just gonna toss it in the trash when I may be able to score cash, do you? Hey, that rhymes. My POINT is that I didn't get Posh's vast appeal then, and don't now. Thank Jesus her NBC "reality" show tanked. I don't HATE them like other celebs (Katie Holmes & Ryan Seacrest spring to mind)...i'm simply not remotely interested...which may be even more offensive to them. So, Posh and David, here's the story from A to Z, you ain't in London no more, and you better listen carefully...if you wannabe...oh, I don't have the's 2:50am...


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